drip pipe造句
- The degree of consistency change of sprinkler head and the o 8mm depression drip pipe with the change of pressure has been tested . the main conclusion of this study has been produced as follows : ( 1 ) the theory will be correct and notable benefit will be obtained through the utilization of the frequency changer in tube - well irrigation , spray irrigation and drip irrigation . ( 2 ) some energy saving effect of the frequency changer utilization in tube - well irrigation , spray irrigation and drip irrigation will be produced , 37
本项目的研究内容主要包括变频调速装置在管灌、微喷以及大棚滴灌中的节能效果、变频调速装置对微喷和大棚滴灌均匀度的影响以及变频调速装置在管灌中进行“恒量变压”变频运行试验等,同时,对微喷头与中smm低压插入式滴灌带的灌溉均匀度随压力变化情况进行一r试验研究。 - It's difficult to find drip pipe in a sentence. 用drip pipe造句挺难的